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Updated: May 30, 2023

Did you know that 1 in 3 Australian homes contain Asbestos?

Most people already have a fair idea of what Asbestos is and how toxic it can

be for your health. For those of you wanting additional information, there is a plethora of information out there but we'll just give you a quick overview what it means in relation to demolitions in Melbourne and how it might affect your demolition project.

What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring rock minerals. Asbestos fibres are strong and heat resistant, and have natural insulating properties. Hence why it was previously used extensively in building products all around Australia. However, this also makes asbestos exposure highly toxic and has resulted in Australia having one of the highest rates for asbestos-related disease in the world. Fortunately, all use, import or manufacture of asbestos was banned completely in Australia by 2003.

Does My Property Contains Asbestos?

As Asbestos containing products were widely used throughout building, it's more than likely that your property contains Asbestos if it was built or renovated before the mid 1980's or between the mid 1980's and 1990. If however, your property was built/renovated post 1990, then it's highly likely there aren't any asbestos containing materials in your property. Don't get me wrong - we have found some Asbestos in properties built after 1990 but this is only on rare occasions.

*There is a really fantastic interactive tool on the website which shows you where asbestos containing materials might have been used in different areas of your home. If you'd like to know more, please check the tool out here.

How Does Melway Demolition Remove Asbestos?

Should you undertake a demolition with us, we will arrange to have asbestos assessed and if any found on site, we will also organise asbestos removal on your behalf. We do this by only using experienced and licensed Asbestos removalists. We use only the best for all our clients to ensure a smooth and stress-free demolition journey.


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